When is The Best Time of Day to Skydive in Virginia?

In writing these blogs about "Skydiving in VA", I try to answer questions that we are most frequently asked. This is one question that we receive quite often.  Most people are going to make one skydive as a bucket list item so they want the best experience possible. The answer to "When is The Best Time of Day to Skydive in Virginia?" really depends on the season of the year. In the months of February and March, I usually will inform people that mid afternoon is the best time of the day. These months tend to be colder so jumping during the peak warm hours of mid-afternoon is the best time. In Spring time really anytime of the day works well. The weather is nice and comfortable all day. Our sunset skydive is very popular during this season. Summer time is of course our busiest time of the year. With the warmer temperatures in the morning it is really the…


Skydiving with Go-Pro Camera’s

Skydiving is one of those bucket list items that is on most peoples list. When you do make your first skydive, you of course want it videoed along with pictures ,so you can relive the moment for years to come. One of the questions we are asked the most is, "can I bring my own Go-Pro." The short answer to this no. No Limits skydiving is a group member of the United States Parachute Association. This organization is recognized by the F.A.A  as the premier skydiving safety organization in the United States. The U.S.P.A. has stated that only skydivers with a C License may exit an airplane with a camera attached to them. This is for safety reasons. Skydiving has many variables that can happen and for the ultimate safety only highly trained professional skydivers are allowed to jump with cameras. We do offer pictures and videos for purchase. Please look at our web site for pricing info. You will…


What Kind of Shoes Should You Wear Skydiving?

No Limits Skydiving takes thousands of people from Virginia on their first skydive.  First time skydivers is our main focus. We are the only Skydiving School in Virginia that is 100% geared toward Tandem Skydiving, along with people learning to skydive. Our entire operation from the time you walk in the door till the time you leave is making sure you and your skydiving group had the time of your lives. Since we deal almost exclusively with first rime skydivers we are used to answering many questions. Without a doubt the most frequent question we receive is "What do I wear when skydiving."  For a complete list of do's and dont's please look at our web site for more info. Make Sure You Have the Correct Footwear I did want to write a short update about footwear to wear during your jump. Please bring a good pair of tennis shoes or sneakers. Many people will wear boots or a type of jump…


Does Skydiving Feel like a Roller Coaster?

This is another one of those questions I have been asked a hundred times. The very simple answer is NO!  You do not get that roller coaster effect when skydiving. Only a Zero G Dives can cause that feeling in your stomach.  Zero G is that slight pause where you go from climbing up to all of a sudden accelerating downward. With jumping from a perfectly good airplane there really is no pause. The plane is flying forward at approximately 100 mph when we make that leap. Since the plane is moving forward at such a fast rate you really don't even start falling straight down at first. When a Tandem Pair leaves the plane you actually take around 10 seconds before you reach terminal velocity. In 25 years of skydiving I have listened to people who are thinking of making a skydive that they do not like that queasy feeling they receive from a roller coaster. This is one…


Skydiving with Wingsuits

One of the most frequent questions we get at the drop zone is about Wingsuit Skydiving. With online videos showing  very experienced skydivers flying close to objects such as mountains and cliffs, Wingsuit Skydiving has taken off in popularity. Wingsuits are also frequently called Squirrel suits also. Different Types of Wingsuits There are two types of Wingsuit flying. Proximity flying is where a person flies very close to the earth. This type of skydiving is very very dangerous and is only for the most experienced skydivers. Even the most skilled skydivers do not often become involved in this activity. There is very little room for error and has a very high rate of fatality. Even the best in the sport have been injured and killed doing Proximity Flying. The videos look great online but that is where they should stay in my opinion. I have nothing but respect for people who are qualified and can successfully accomplish these feats but…