The Exhilarating World of Skydiving

Skydiving is a sport in which a person free falls for a determined amount of time, opens a parachute to glide in the air, and maneuvers the parachute to land safely.

Grant Morton made the first skydive in Venice Beach, CA in 1911. He jumped out of a Wright Model B and was flown by pilot, Phil Parmalee. Morton’s parachute was the type that was thrown out immediately upon leaving the plane. Read more about this true dare devil at

Skydiving equipment and safety have advanced quite a ways since then. Read about skydiving safety at No Limits Skydiving™.

Many who go skydiving for fun started jumping during their service in the military and continued once they finished their service, just like every staff member at No Limits Skydiving™. There are many different types of skydiving. They include: