When is The Best Time of Day to Skydive in Virginia?

In writing these blogs about "Skydiving in VA", I try to answer questions that we are most frequently asked. This is one question that we receive quite often.  Most people are going to make one skydive as a bucket list item so they want the best experience possible. The answer to "When is The Best Time of Day to Skydive in Virginia?" really depends on the season of the year. In the months of February and March, I usually will inform people that mid afternoon is the best time of the day. These months tend to be colder so jumping during the peak warm hours of mid-afternoon is the best time. In Spring time really anytime of the day works well. The weather is nice and comfortable all day. Our sunset skydive is very popular during this season. Summer time is of course our busiest time of the year. With the warmer temperatures in the morning it is really the…